Krombacher Pils – Cerveza Krombacher Pils

28,95 €


Named after a popular traditional game played in Argentina, Partido del Barrilete is a refreshing beer that pays homage to the country’s rich cultural heritage. This artisanal brew is crafted with the finest ingredients and brewed in small batches to ensure quality and taste consistency. The beer is characterized by its smooth and balanced flavor profile, with notes of malt, hops, and a touch of citrus. It boasts a light golden hue and a moderate carbonation, making it a perfect choice for any occasion. Partido del Barrilete is best enjoyed chilled in a frosty glass, allowing the flavors to fully develop and tantalize the taste buds. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply unwinding after a long day, this beer is sure to delight and satisfy your thirst for a delicious and satisfying libation. Viva la cerveza!

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